Saturday, January 5, 2013

Conversations Across Borders Interview with Nancy Canyon, MFA

Last summer I was fortunate enough to participate in a fabulous writing workshop in Spokane, Washington.  Presented by Conversations Across Boarders, Jordan Hartt, one of the founders for this creative adventure, brought together unique viewpoints from writers for the class: Red State, Blue State  It was lead by articulate and intelligent Eastern professor, Sam Ligon.

For seven days, ten of us told our stories (all coming from places on a continuum from liberal to conservative) and then we wrote fiction short stories using each other's personal stories as fodder.  Then we workshopped these pieces.  The stories were varied and energetic.  Bits of participants stories could be vaguely recognized in pieces.  It was a great idea and a success in bringing together our differences as well as our commonality.

During that week, Jordan and I talked about an interview for Conversations Across Boarders.  You can read it in its entirety at the following address:

What are you working on for 2013?  Do you have your intention set?  My intention is to Complete and Release. I have three projects to complete this year...two novels and one memoir.  And I have a completed novel, Celia's Heaven to get out in the world.  And another novel about to be launched as an eBook: Whispering, Idaho.

Cheers to the writing life!!!

PS  Another interview link:
New Year's Day Collage

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Poet for the Land

  Nancy Canyon, Writing the Land Poet As a Writing the Land poet, I adopted Todd Creek, a Whatcom Land Trust parcel, last year, my one year ...