Monday, April 17, 2017

Nocturne NaPoWritMo Day 17

So melancholy, the night, with its emptiness,
its vast void of quietude, its ending and beginning

of nothingness. A sage once said, Look into the
void and see the dream. I did and it left me dancing

across the sky. In the stars, I saw my name written
boldly at first, then so tenderly that I wept. It’s

happening all the time, these tea parties partaken on
green lawns. But we don’t sip together, we drink fast,

rattle our cups, then run out of the yard, not even saying.
Goodbye old friend, nice to see you. It’s my night

to dine with the Queen, and my dress, folds of green
taffeta, swish swish swish. The dawn colors grow

as we dance and daylight will come soon. Soon. And 
with the sun rising it begins again: hurry hurry, my love.

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